
Chocolat Suisse NOIR 72%

Barcode 7649996632203

Switzerland (CH)


50.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Kakaomasse*, Zucker*, Kakaobutter*, Emulgator (Rapslecithin), natürliches Vanille Aroma. Kakao 72% mindestens. Kann Spuren von Milch, Haselnüssen, Mandeln, Walnüssen, Pekannüssen, Cashewkernen, Pistazien, Eiern, Weizen, Gerste und Soja enthalten.

Ingredients (English)

Cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, emulsifier (rapeseed lecithin), natural vanilla flavour. Cocoa solids: 72% minimum. May contain traces of milk, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pecan nuts, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts, eggs, wheat, barley, and soya.

Ingredients (French)

Pâte de cacao*, sucre*, beurre de cacao*, émulsifiant (lécithine de colza), arôme naturel de vanille. Cacao: 72% minimum. Peut contenir des traces de lait, noisette, amande, noix, noix de pécan, noix de cajou, pistache, oeuf, blé, orge et soja.

Ingredients (Italian)

Pasta di cacao*, zucchero*, burro di cacao*, emulsionante (lecitina di colza), aroma naturale di vaniglia. Cacao: minimo 72%. Può contenere tracce di latte, nocciola, mandorla, noce, noce pecan, anacardi, pistacchio, uova, grano, orzo e soia.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 540.0 kCal
Energy 2270.0 kJ
Fat 43.0 g
Saturated fat 26.0 g
Carbohydrates 32.0 g
Sugars 30.0 g
Fiber 11.0 g
Protein 6.8 g
Salt 0.02 g
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