
The Open Food Repo is an independent and community-driven open database for barcoded food products.

Food is essential to human life. But what do we know about the food that we eat?

The Open Food Repo aims to be a digital public resource for information about the food products that are available to individual consumers on the market. While originally created by the Digital Epidemiology Lab of EPFL, it is now expanding into other countries.

At the moment, the Food Repo is focused on barcoded products only, but we're in the process of adding non-barcoded food products as well.

The Food Repo provides all its data for free through a public API that anyone can access for any purpose.

Because the Food Repo is a free and community-driven database, we don't make any guarantees with respect to its correctness or completeness. If you find that something is missing or incorrect, please add or edit it yourself.